How to Remove a Gmail Account from Chrome

We tell you here How to Remove a Gmail Account from Chrome. Google allows you to access two or three accounts in a device.

You are able to delete a Gmail account if there are two user account in your device. If you have one user account in your device then you are not able to delete the Gmail account. You can add a Gmail account in the device anytime and remove a Gmail account from the device anytime. 

When you delete an account from google then all the data saved in that account also deleted permanently.

Methods for How to remove a Gmail account from google chrome:

1)    The First method to remove a Gmail account from Google:

·         Open the Google the browser on your device.
·         Click on the user profile icon.
·         In your profile, the details are shown like your profile picture, your name, and your Email address in the google chrome.
·         Then you need to click on the option manage peoples.
·         Then you need to click on that user file which you want to remove from google chrome.
·         After this, you have to click on the hamburger menu (three dots) showing on the right top corner of the user profile.
·         Click on the option remove this person.
·         It will ask for the confirmation then you need to click on the option remove this person again.

2)    The Second method to remove a Gmail account from google chrome:

·         Firstly you need to sign in your Gmail an account on
·         After this, you need to click on the grid option shown on the top of the right side corner.
·         Select the options account.
·         Search for the account preferences section and click on the option delete your account or services.
·         Select the option delete products.
·         Enter your account password.
·         Click on the trash icon.
·         After this, you need to enter an alternate Gmail address.
·         Then Click on the Send verification email option.
·         After this, you have to open your Gmail account and check that you received a verification message on your alternate Gmail address.
·         Then you need to follow the deletion link given in the message.
·         Then select yes, I want to delete this account.
·         Then click delete Gmail account and click on the done button.

You need to be sure because your Gmail account will be permanently deleted and the data is also deleted stored in that Gmail account. From the above methods, you will know how to remove a Gmail account from Chrome.


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