
Showing posts from January, 2020

How to Remove a Gmail Account from Chrome

We tell you here How to Remove a Gmail Account from Chrome . Google allows you to access two or three accounts in a device. You are able to delete a Gmail account if there are two user account in your device. If you have one user account in your device then you are not able to delete the Gmail account. You can add a Gmail account in the device anytime and remove a Gmail account from the device anytime.  When you delete an account from google then all the data saved in that account also deleted permanently. Methods for How to remove a Gmail account from google chrome: 1)     The First method to remove a Gmail account from Google: ·          Open the Google the browser on your device. ·          Click on the user profile icon . ·          In your profile, the details are shown like your profile picture, your name, and your Ema...